Call for interest for Safety Boat Course and CPR/First Aid Course
The ADCKC has looked into hosting a First Aid with CPR course and a Pleasure Craft Operators Course. We need to ensure that we have enough people interested in order to hold these courses. Both will likely be held in May, 2010 prior to the racing season. If you are interested in taking one of both of these courses please contact Laura Lewis, Program Coordinator at
Laura Lewis Program Coordinator
Atlantic Division CanoeKayak Canada, ADCKC
Office: (902) 466-9925
Mobile: (902) 830-7235
We are encouraging parents to attend these courses below as there is a need for safety boat drivers at regattas. You will be reimbursed for the cost of the course in return for a commitment to work during a regatta. Also, the Division and Maskwa will be offering on water boat familiarization for those who complete the course.
Thank you for your support!
John Moore Commodore