There was a lot happening last week but I have to talk about our great Fun Day. I've attached a few pictures that Mary Negulic forwarded to me and they captured perfect our fun-filled day. Special thanks to Matt Duggie for really stepping forward to oversee the organizational aspect of this day. So events started at 10am with our sand castle competition, diving off the picnic table competition, rely and much more. Thanks so much to Boston Pizza for feeding our hungry crew. The pizza was great and everyone had at least one piece, if not two. Thanks so much for bringing along Lionel (the Boston Pizza mascot) -he was great. The kids/parents love the Boston Pizza coupons also. Our day finished with our candy toss, and the ever-fun pie in the face. Not sure why that's a favorite with the kids but they truly love it.
I would be remiss without talking about the guys who worked tirelessly to put together our new to us playground set. It was a lot more work than we, then they anticipated. Shawn McQuade and Jodi Pace worked probably more than 12hrs to get that playground in shape. The corn boil work crew party brought out a lot of families that helped like Ron Savoie, Peter Hope, Richard Nelson and a bunch more but I confess to working the corn boil so I couldn't meet or say a thank you to all who helped. So here it is - a big thanks to everyone who helped get our playground up and working for the kids.
Today, Sunday, Maskwa hosted our first Junior Lifeguard Competition and over 100 people are here enjoying our beautiful facility and having a great time. This competition is a lot of fun and a must-do for next year.
This week is our last week of Maskwa for regular programs/paddling/pre-orders and our last BBQ will take place on Friday. Please stay tuned for our upcoming events we will be planning like our Maskwa Bingo on Friday, October 15 from 7pm-9pm in Heritage Hall. We will be rescheduling our Halloween Dance to another time, probably a Valentine Dance, as we don't want to compete with Dankin Drive's very famous Halloween Dance at the Anglican Church in the area.
I have had a great summer as your Club Manager and I hope you've enjoyed it also. I know I'll see many of you over the course of the year but I want to say a special thank you to all the volunteers who made my job easier. There are so many I'm afraid I'll leave a few out but you will all be receiving a special invite from me for this Thursday at the club.
Again thanks.