Hi everyone:
I'm so excited. We have worked out arrangements so Maskwa can offer a two week day camp service for parents/students during the upcoming February 2011 school break.
The camp is offered for students in grades 2 through 6 and will run from 9am-5pm, Monday through Friday, starting February 14-18 for week one and February 21-25 for the second week.
This has been lots of fun to organize. I have hired one main instructor who is very qualified to deal with multi-aged students. Her bio is attached to the registration form. We will also be hiring one more instructor. Our ratio is two instructors for a maximum of 30 students per week and we are providing hot healthy lunches thanks to our caterer Sweet and Savory Catering Limited.
The fun part is we are creating themed days at Maskwa. We will be having pirate days/scavenger hunts/ a magic day with The Amazing Mister J - Magician/Entertainer (www.misterj.ca), Mad Science will be popping by one week and we will be incorporating recreation-based activities like yoga, dance, badminton into our day programs.
So, jump the line and register your child or children today by visiting https://www.esourceevent.com/register/register.aspx?EventName=maskwa
Any questions don't hesitate to call me at 443-0178 ext: 221. I hope to see many familiar faces in February.