I wanted to say a special congratulation to Robin Kendall for placing 3rd overall in the 10km Bluenose Marathon - way to go Robin. To all the other Maskwa members who participated, great job!
I also wanted to say a special thanks to Bill Ingarfield, who owns Enfield Pharmacy for his recent donation of a 1-seat racing canoe to the club. Bill paddled for years as a teen with the club and rejoined us back in 1977. The donation is greatly appreciated. Thanks so much Bill.
We have our new War Canoe and it looks great.
Registration is on-going and a lot of the Adventure Recreational Day Camps are now full.
Session 2,3 & 4 are now completely full.
Session 1 has 8 spots left
Session 5 - 20 spots left
Session 6 - 14 spots left
Session 7 - 3 spots left
Session 8 - 8 spots left
Session 9 - 25 spots left
I will be in the office Thursday and Friday of this week from 9am-2pm.
Also the club is hosting a Wine Fundraiser which promises to be lots of fun. You can purchase tickets from me for $30/each. The event takes place on Saturday, June 11 from 7pm-9pm at the club.