Well talk about rain! Lots of it. Honestly I can’t tell if the wind is dying down now or getting ready to roar again. To off set this nasty day I’m putting up this lovely picture that Chad Brooks, Head Paddling Coach took of Alexa Irvine. It is beautiful.
Also a reminder if you are interested in fall high performance training either part-time (3 days a week) or full-time to email Chad at chadebrooks@gmail.com. Part-time is $70 + tax/per month and full-time is $113+ tax/per month – a reminder tax is only applied if your child is 14 years of age or older. Please feel free to drop off cheques in the mail slot on the front door of Maskwa.
I’m in the office Mondays & Tuesdays 9am-1pm and Wednesdays 9am-11am and can be reached at 443-0178 ext: 221. After October 24 I will be working mostly from home for at least 4 weeks as I recover from ankle surgery (wish me luck). If you need to reach me immediately it’s always best to email me at manager.maskwa@gmail.com. Thanks so much.