I'm getting a lot of inquiries about registration.
1. Registration will be on-line this year. That will include payment options on line also and we're hoping to have that up by the end of April.
2. Maskwa Open House will take place on Sat., May 12 from 9am-2pm at the club. This will be your chance if you haven't registered to pop down to the club to register in person - on-line using one of our computer assistant people-pay if you're not paying on-line and purchase any new paddling gear like lifebelts/singlets/buns.
3. The High Performance paddlers doing spring training have hit the waters. A reminder if your child in participating in the HP program to pass in your Cold Water forms to coach Jordan Coyle. They are reminded to dress appropriately for the weather and come prepared to run every day. And to show off our group on water - check out the pic. This is the earlist ever they have hit the water on Kearney Lake. The picture was taken on March 22 - last week when the temp rose.