We have just learned that HRM Staff and Chebucto Community Council will be hosting a Public Meeting on the future of Blue Mountain Birch Cove Lakes Regional Park at St Peters Church Hall, Dakin Drive and Kearney Lake Rd at the Bedford Highway. Come early (6:30 PM) to look at some new maps.
Halifax North West Trails has been involved since the early discussions about the proposed Regional Park and is excited to share that progress is being made. HRM Staff and the Protected Areas Branch of NS Environment have been discussing a Grand Vision for the Regional Park and will be making a presentation at 7:00 PM followed by Q&A. Next steps will be crafted over the next few months. Please come out and support this event. We need strong (overwhelming) public support to convince HRM Regional Council that we are ready to move ahead to make the Regional Park a reality!!
See you on May 31st and bring your friends and neighbours so they can learn about this future park, destined to be the largest near-urban Wilderness Park in Canada!
This link with 3 Draft maps and more details was posted on May 22 by HRM. http://www.halifax.ca/RealPropertyPlanning/bluemountainbirchcovelakes.html
The scope of the proposed park and process to achieve its creation will be the focus of the meeting. We hope that the meeting will be informative and hope to see you there.
Please feel free to forward this information on to others.
Bob McDonald, Chair
Halifax North West Trails