Monday, April 16, 2012

Tropical Twist & Shout Auction and Dance in support of Grosvenor-Wentworth Park Elementary

Hi everyone:
Grosvenor-Wentworth Park Elementary has organized this fun fundraiser to help raise much needed money for their new playground. It's a great night out, lots of prizes, silent auction and chance to win a trip to Florida. Really what more could you ask for!

Tropical Twist & Shout Auction and Dance,
Saturday, May 5th, 7pm, at the BMO Centre

We have put together an 'auction to remember' with loads of fun items including weekend getaways, camps for kids, fine dining, golf packages and more, a DJ and dance will follow. The evening will be hosted by Q104's Bob Powers and all proceeds support a great cause-a much needed new playground for our school and community at Grosvenor-Wentworth Park Elementary.

Please feel free to pass on the invite to anyone you know who enjoys a good auction or dance! Tickets are $20 and available at the school or from Amy McEvoy at or call me at 446-2528.

Thank you for your support!