Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Maskwa End of Year Banquet

Hi everyone:
Totally excited that I was finally able to borrow banquet tables and chairs for our end of year banquet. Have to say upfront special thanks to Jodi Pace for helping to arrange this with St. Peter's Anglican Church. If anyone would like to help us collect the tables/chairs please join us on Thursday, Sept 23 at 12:15pm at the church, corner of Kearney Lake Rd and Bedford Highway. We need pick up trucks/vans and lots of muscle power. Then of course we will be setting them up in the club house.

The evening is shaping up to be great. This year Maskwa will be providing hot tea/coffee/paper plates/serviettes, utensils and yes of course you can purchase a drink/ We're working on securing drinks for the children and there will also be buns/butter on the tables.

We ask again each family to bring a main meal, salad or dessert. I've had a few people RSVP what they are bringing but I'm hopeful more will. My email again is manager.maskwa@gmail.com.

If you have a trophy from last year please drop it off at the club. I'm in most mornings around 10:30am or call me at 443-0178 ext: 221 to arrange a time.