Friday, September 3, 2010

Maskwa update from John Moore, the Commodore

Greetings Everyone,

Maskwa was a happening place today. It started around 3 pm and people kept coming.It was a beautiful day in, out and on the water. It' s wonderful to see so many members and their guests still enjoying Maskwa. The weather this week has been a phenom to say the least. Kearney Lake has actually felt a bit like a Jacuzzi these past few days.

This coming weekend we have a weather event called Earle passing through. Please take every precaution to be ready. We will be doing our best to ensure everything is secure at Maskwa.

This past week Sean O'Connor and myself gave tours to the Minister of Finance, Graham Steele and Ooficials from ACOA. They were extremely impressed with both our operation and our buildings. The officials from ACOA couldn't believe we built all this for just 1.2 million. Imagine what we could do if we received 10 times the $355,000 they gave us. There's no stopping us now, is all I can say. You ain't seen nothing yet….Think big….Imagine what 6 tennis courts would be like adjacent to our big parking lot next to the trails entrance….or what a wheelchair accessible trail would look like all the way down to PopCorn Island and around the loop…or a series of work out stations all the way back to Charlie's Lake……or brand new boats to meet all our paddlers needs .

The war canoe fundraising campaign is now at $6600 which is amazing given we only began less than 2 weeks ago. Please do what you can to help Mike Haley and his team achive their goal of $25,000.Check our website for updates and follow the progress of the fundometer. All ideas are welcome

I’m happy to announce Renee Field will be taking over as our new Registrar.This will be a gradual process and will make us much more professional as an organization. It also means a harrowing and difficult volunteer position has just been eliminated which is great news for future volunteers.Thank you to the Munroe-Capes for enduring what surely was the toughest volunteer job at Maskwa.You are to be commended for sticking with this for 4 years.

The Closing Celebration Banquet is being held in the Aquatic Room of our facility on September 23 starting at 6:30pm. An email will be going out shortly asking for your donated pot luck items. You will be getting more details in the coming weeks so circle your calenders as we prepare for a BIG celebration.

Yours in Maskwa
John Moore
