Okay, I have to say I am very excited about the creation of the first Maskwa Athletic Scholarship Program. When I was hired as the Club Manager, my own personal goal was to develop a way to give added value to our high performance paddlers. The first thing I had hoped to create with one of our key sponsors was a Scholarship Program. Why you might ask? Well, what better way to say to our athletes that we value their time and commitment to the club, and the sport of competitive paddling than through the creation of a scholarship program to help lighten the financial burden when they move on to post-secondary. Many of our high performance athletes are not able to work part-time during the school year because of their training schedule and we understand that.
When I had my first meeting with Trudy Wells, Manager of Marketing, Ken Shea, President and CEO of Heritage Credit Union (HCU) and Annette Shumey, currently promoted to Branch Manager for HCU they were all receptive to the idea of the creation of a specific scholarship for our Maskwa athletes. It took a while for us to work out the fine details but I’m pleased to report that Heritage Credit Union is Maskwa’s Platinum Sponsor and that they have offered a $1,000 scholarship to a Maskwa athlete for 2011. The deadline for application has been extended this year to May 1, 2011. Please see the information below for specifics on this program.
Program Specifics:
As proud Corporate Sponsors of the Maskwa Aquatic Club, Heritage is pleased to offer our first MASKWA Athletic Scholarship Program which is open to grade 12 students who are members of Heritage Credit Union or are the child or grandchild of a member.
We are awarding a $1000 scholarship to the successful applicant once they have confirmed enrollment in a post-secondary program.
If you will be pursuing a form of post-secondary education full-time next year, you are invited to apply. Please review the enclosed scholarship information. As a partner in your education and your financial success, we also welcome you to speak with one of us about any financial needs you have now, or in the future. If you’re thinking about applying for a student loan or MasterCard, I’d encourage you to take a look at our competitive rates and exceptional service. We understand that your next step will be challenging, which is why working with us ensures that you can concentrate on your studies when you need to.
Thank you for your interest in Heritage Credit Union and good luck!
Heritage Credit Union Annual Scholarship
Information Package
Heritage Credit Union Annual
Maskwa Scholarship Information Package
Heritage Credit Union is pleased to offer the first Maskwa Athletic Scholarship as part of Heritage Credit Union’s on-going sponsor relationship with Maskwa Aquatic Club.
The Maskwa Athletic Scholarship will be based on the following criteria:
To be eligible for the Maskwa Athletic Scholarship, you must:
1. Be a current member of Maskwa Aquatic Club
2. Be enrolled in Maskwa’s High Performance Paddling program.
3. Be a member or the child, or grandchild of a member of Heritage Credit Union.
4. Be enrolled full-time for your first year at an accredited vocational program,
college or university for the 2011-2012 academic year.
5. Complete the application form and submit it before May 1, 2011.
Application Instructions:
1. Complete the attached application or request an electronic copy from Trudy Wells at trudy.wells@heritagecu.com.
2. Submit a letter of recommendations from Maskwa Aquatic Club’s Head Paddling Coach, Chad Brooks who can be contacted at chadebrooks@gmail.com.
3. Youth play a very important part in the growth and development of our credit union and our community. They offer fresh ideas, passion and commitment to the co-operative principles on which our business is based. Complete and attach a 500-word essay addressing one of these topics:
What is the single most important thing that you have done for your community in the past three years?
Explain how the Maskwa Aquatic Club’s paddling program has fostered your development?
Would you consider Heritage Credit Union as your future employer? Why or why not?
4. Community commitment plays a large part in our business and we support those who are equally as committed to their community. Briefly share (100 words/each max) with us your involvement in each of the following:
a. School activities
b. Work experience
c. Leadership experience
d. Awards and honors
e. Community service
f. Environmental causes
g. Athletic involvement
5. Submit all the requested information to Heritage Credit Union at 120 Kearney Lake Branch, Halifax, NS B3M 3P1 or submit by email all forms to trudy.wells@heritagecu.com. Information by also be faxed to (902) 464-0009.
6. If forms are submitted by email please provide a copy of the “Scholarship Completion Checklist” complete with your signature either by scanning/emailing, fax, mail, or via the Kearney Lake Branch.
The deadline for application is May 1, 2011
Determination Procedures:
All applications will be reviewed and judged by a Heritage Credit Union selection committee. The judges will base their scores for the essay on originality, clarity, and meaningful content. The overall score will be reflective of the level of community and school involvement, athletic performance and dedication, and acceptable academic achievement. Scholarship funds will be held by Heritage Credit Union until written verification is received as to the student’s acceptance into a 2011 program