Spring is definitely in the air! I know it was -7 this morning but with the hot sun streaming through my office window, and the fact I can now see the basketball court once again, I’ve got an extra spring in my step today.
I have had lots of inquiries about membership rates/programs and our Recreational Day Camp program already. We are currently working on having our rates up for the first week of April with a new on-line registration process. You will still have to pay by either cash or cheque but the on-line system will make it easier to calculate your 2011 fees. We have kept the Family Plus cap so for families with two or more children looking to register at Maskwa and take part in both swimming and paddling this will probably be the most affordable rate for you. The great thing about our new system is that it will calculate your actual costs of programming and then advise you what your best option for membership should be. I have to say again a huge shout out to Ian Wood, a volunteer, who has done a tremendous job putting our new system together. It’s much more user friendly.
What I’m working on now is an 8-page tabloid spread which will be inserted in The Herald for hopefully the second week of April for the Clayton Park/Rockingham/Kingswood and Bedford South areas. This insert will highlight Maskwa, our sponsors and our success stories. That being said, I’d like to hear from you.
Send me in your stories about Maskwa. What you enjoy about the club or any pics you’d like included (send as jpeg or tiff file). I know a lot of people today who are parents came to Maskwa when they were kids – so I’m asking for you to tell me what it was like. Old and new stories are great. Please send them to manager.maskwa@gmail.com.
Also we are looking for great individuals who want to work for Maskwa in the following areas:
Paddling coaches
Recreational Day Camp Instructors
Please send in your resume and covering letter to my attention and I will forward along to the right person.
We have also booked the time for our Maskwa Open House. Please mark your calendars for Saturday, May 14 from 9am-2pm at the club. Tell all your friends also. Program information will be up in April but for those new to the area or just discovering Maskwa this is your time for a tour of our facility, learn about our programs and come to meet our paddling coaches.
Well, that’s it for now. Again, talk about a gorgeous day.