Well the first Maskwa Atom Triathlon was a huge success. The Atom boys ran, paddled and swam. They started at 10am and finished around 12noon. Special thanks to LA Dempster for organizing this and Atom coaches Nathan Mackinnon and Chris Haley for all their help. Pictured with the group are the two coaches in the back. The children especially enjoyed their treat bags as their rewards. We are hoping to do a 2nd Triathlon with the Atoms later in August. We also have planned a special Atom paddlers afternoon movie for them inside Heritage Hall.
I had to take a few pictures of my day campers - today they are making paper Hawaiian leis as their craft and on Friday they will be dressed up for their Hawaiian dance competition.
A reminder that tomorrow is our Pancake Brunch starting at 10am inside Heritage Hall. This is a fundraiser for Nationals.
Child's plate is $3.50 (2 pancakes, slice of fruit and juice pack)
Teen/Adult plate is $5.00 (3 pancakes, slice of fruit and juice pack)
Natal Day update:
There will be no paddling programs on Monday.
There will be swimming lessons as scheduled
The Adventure Day Camp is open
Kiddie Kayak will also take place.