Hi everyone:
Today is our first day of rain but that has not deterred us Maskwa paddlers or swimmers. I've got about 50 children keen for paddling and swimming lessons and they all love the rain. This is a reminder that all programs are open in the rain. We only pull the children off water if their is lightning.
Last week I had a chance to pop in a lot to see how things were going with our new Adventure Recreational Day Camp. It seemed to me, and the children that I asked that they were having lots of fun. The children are paddling either in the dragon boat or small boats in the mornings and then switching it up in the afternoon. Last week the theme of the week was Super Hero and they spent the week getting ready by decorating their caps. On Friday (with our unusual raccoon spoiling our water fun) that didn't stop the children in the camps from claiming the beach. They held a sand castle contest and trust me, being the judge was hard. I've posted a few pic so you can see what fun they are having. This week's theme is "light bright" and on Thursday they will be dying t-shirts. This morning I walked into the dark room (they have black garbage bags over the windows and all the kids are wearing glow in the dark stuff).
There are still camp spots open in August. Session 5, 6, 8 and 9 still have spots.
This coming Saturday and Sunday Maskwa is hosting two regattas. I am still in need of volunteers to help with parking and the BBQ on Saturday and Sunday. If you can only commit to one day that would be greatly appreciated. I am also hoping more parents will volunteer to bring pop/juice for the BBQ and we still are looking for cookies or muffins for the 25 officials for both days. Please email me at manager.maskwa@gmail.com if you can help.