Thursday, August 26, 2010

Maskwa update from John Moore, the Commodore

Maskwa Weekly Update Aug 26th

Greetings :

This has been another exciting week at Maskwa as we wind down our regular programs. I bet everyone is looking forward to Pizza Day on Friday. I understand it’s all you can eat but don’t quote me on that.

Now lets talk about …..The Warrrrrrrrr Canoooooooooooe. Yes, we are on our way to investing in a brand new War Canoe.Our War Canoe fundraising campaign is taking hold and many of you have received letters.I would ask you give this serious consideration and help Mike Haley and his team achieve their goal of $25,000. Checkout the website and watch our Barometer as it rises.If you haven;t received any information concerning this campaign you can check out at Get your name on the sponsor strip for only $150 per individual or $300 per family.That's a great investment. Thank you to all those who have donated so far.

Alas, our season is coming to a close but then we have our fall training program to look forward. We also have various events coming up so keep reading Renee’s blog and our website. We also are looking at forming a Dragon Boat team this fall.Let us know if you would be interested in participating. One more thing, I can never pass up the opportunity to ask for volunteers. We are looking for new people to serve on the Maskwa board of directors.If you would be interested in serving let us know.

We have had some growing pains during this past season. We will be making changes to some of our internal procedures and programs so we will be able to deliver a better product to our members next season. A big 3 cheers for the tremendous spirit each and very one of you have shown this season. It's been a pleasure to have served you once again this year.

Don’t forget about our upcoming closing banquet which takes place on September 23rd at the club. This will be a huge celebration of all our athletes , volunteers, parents and supporters and all that we have accomplished during this past year.Stay tuned for more details . Have a great and safe weekend.

Yours in Maskwa

John Moore
