Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Maskwa Registration is Up and Working

We are officially up and running again with our new on-line registration system. Please go to the website at and click on the registration link. Please also take the time to read the instructions. You are only guaranteed a spot once I receive payment. I know the programs list how many people are "listed as registered" on the side especially for the Kiddie Kayak and Recreational Adventure Day Camps - that is actually not the case. Only once I receive the payment is a person in the camp. We take cash or cheque (no post-dated cheques, please).

I will be in the office most days from 9am-1pm. Please call ahead at 443-0178 ext: 221 to make sure I'm on site.

Also, Saturday, May 14 from 9am-2pm is our Open House. Hope to see many of you then.