The Nova Scotia Department of Environment through the non-profit organization Clean Nova Scotia provides free, and confidential Environmental Home Assessments in your riding area. All Nova Scotia homeowners who have a well and septic system at their residence are eligible for the assessment. We would like to ask you to let your constituents know about this free service. The purpose of the program is to provide home owners with information on how to manage their septic systems, how to test and protect the water from their wells and how to prevent oil spills on their properties. As an incentive for home owners with septic systems and wells to participate, there is a $100 rebate on their next pumping of their septic
system as well as some other free items, and for those who qualify there is a grant of up to $3,000 to upgrade their septic system. The details of this program and contact information are contained in the attached press release. If you are meeting with your constituents who are rural home owners please let them know about this program.
Lisa C. Privett
Program Coordinator
Non-Essential Pesticides Education
and Environmental Home Assessment Program
Clean Nova Scotia
Inspiring environmental change
p. 902.420.6593