Talk about one wicked rain storm last night. I'm sad to report that with all that rain it has washed away our beach and created large trenches. I've got our Custodian working on filling in those large pot holes but only once the water recedes will the beach show again. My past experience with this is it usually takes a couple of days so if the weather is good over the weekend, I'm optimistic the beach will show again by Monday. We are still open for business as usual. All swimming, paddling and Kiddie Kayak lessons are on as well as day camp.
With the weather not being great and the number of Maskwa people lower than normal for this time of year, Sweet and Savory Catering Limited who run our canteen will be closing early on some days. We will always give 30minute warning when the canteen will close and try for at least 1hr ahead so those children wishing to purchase something might have that opportunity.
Hope you all enjoy the pictures.