According to Department of Transportation officials the traffic lights' control panel was struck by lightning and "fried". A new panel which won't get here until Monday at the earliest.
So these lights won't be working properly till later Monday or Tuesday.
The flashing yellow on Kearney Lake Road (KLR) and flashing red on the off ramps means under MV regulations, KLR has priority for motorists and those motorists trying to come off the ramps have to yield to a break in traffic on KLR.
Hence the backup of traffic on the ramps.
Our local Councillor Debbie Hum (major thanks Debbie) is attempting to get the Department of the Transportation to provide some traffic control police during peak times to help alleviate the build up on the on and off ramps.
With the sun finally shining this week we will have for the first time the Sackville Boys and Girls Club at our club using the dragon boat from 2-3pm and then enjoying our swim area from 3-4pm. They are very excited with this opportunity and I'm thrilled the sun has come out for them.
A reminder of events coming up:
Wednesday, August 10th - from 3:30pm-5:30pm Atom Special Movie Day
Thursday, August 11 - Maskwa Fun Day starts at 10am-2pm/Free-PG Movie 4-6pm and Scary Teen Movie 7-9pm. Boston Pizza is providing a slice of pizza to all the children and Maskwa will provide watermelon and drinks. This day is for all children including the day camp children and they are more than welcome to enjoy the free movie.
Friday, August 12 - Join the Maskwa community as we celebrate sending off our National Team with a piece of cake from 5-7pm at the club.
Wednesday, August 17 - 2-4pm Join us for our 1st Jockey Clothing Party - this is a fundraiser for Nationals and the clothing is active womens' wear.
Thursday, August 18-20 - Peewee/Bantam Champs at Lake Banook
Sunday, August 21 - Atom Champs at Orenda
Above are some pictures of the day camp children enjoying hiking to Popcorn Island and showing off their superhero capes.