The weather outside is frightful but the programs at Maskwa are delightful! Honestly the rain does not deter the children and all programs are on. I am looking closely at the weather for the rest of the week but I’ve learned that if I wait five minutes the weather will change so I’m hopeful that on Thursday the weather will clear and we will have a great Maskwa Fun Day.
I wanted to give everyone a quick update on a few things. Maskwa did great at the Junior Lifeguard Competition held on Saturday at Riser’s Beach, located just outside Bridgewater. This was my first time at this competition with my children and talk about a great time. Of course, the sun and heat certainly added to our fun. We had a number of Maskwa children participate: Erin and Jacob Davis, Nolan Field, Rileigh and Morgan Pugh-Toole and talk about one dynamic team. I think all together the Maskwa team must have taken home at least 20 first place ribbons. I sincerely hope that next year we get to host a mini-lifeguard competition at Maskwa. Lifeguard skills are something we should be working to develop and I was disappointed to discover that Maskwa was the only club from the Halifax area participating at the Junior Lifeguard Competition – which was extremely well organized. Special thanks to Laura Zevenhuizen, Maskwa's own lifeguard and instructor for keeping the Maskwa team pumped and ready to compete!
Once I touch base with Chad Brooks, our Head Paddling Coach, I will give an update on how our Maskwa paddlers made out during qualifying for Nationals. I know my son, Nelson a first year Bantam did the 6000 meter race competing with Midget boys on Friday afternoon and even he will admit that he was terrified. We were extremely pleased he finished the race and while at first terrified at the end he said he loved it and would do it again.
Also a reminder that the NS Lifeguard Society will be doing an Open Swim of 1km, 2km and 5km this coming Thursday, August 11 starting at 6:30pm with about 40-50 participants starting at Kearney Lake Beach and going directly by Maskwa. This is to remind all boaters and paddlers in the area to pay attention to people in the water on Thursday evening.