Well the weather this week is not looking great but we will paddle until the thunder hits today which will be around 12noon. All swimming lessons are currently on as is Kiddie Kayak.
Today is our Little Italy day - for $25 your child from 1pm-3pm will learn how to make lasagna with meat sauce, Caesar salad and garlic bread fingers. The best part about it is that it will feed a family of 4/5.
We had 8 people join our cooking class today and by the looks of the pictures they had lots of fun.
I also had to share a few pictures from the day camp. Today they are working on their paper mache craft and having lots of fun. The weather has held off and I honestly the sun has started to shine - way to go sun!
One of our long time members has recently opened a yoga studio in Rockingham Ridge Plaza. Many Maskwa members will remember Kathryn offering yoga classes last summer. Kathryn never charged for her time and we used the money raised from her classes to help fund the new playground equipment. She has kindly offered a discount for all Maskwa members. Here is what Kathryn has to say to our members:
I recently opened a yoga studio (www.purefreedomyoga.com) in the Rockingham Ridge Plaza at 30 Farnham Gate Road and would like to offer Maskwa members a 15% discount on the 5-class pass with no expiry from now until Labour Day. The new website is loaded with information on the studio, classes and teachers. Members may purchase by phone if they are unable to come into the studio before September :).
Pure Freedom Yoga Studio
30 Farnham Gate Road
Rockingham Ridge Plaza
Phone: 431-FREE (3733)
Cell: 718-PURE (7873)
Fax: 431-4233
Email: info@purefreedomyoga.com
Web: www.purefreedomyoga.com
Good luck to all the paddlers at the Nationals! (Especially my son John who is competing in the war canoe)