Thursday, December 29, 2011
HRM New Year's Eve
Celebrate New Year’s Eve at the Emera Oval
(December 29, 2011) -Ring in 2012 at an HRM Family New Year’s Eve celebration at the Emera Oval.
Enjoy live music, skating and fireworks.
WHAT: HRM’s Family New Year’s Eve Celebration
WHERE: Emera Oval, Halifax Common
DATE: Saturday, Dec. 31
TIME: 6 p.m.
The evening’s event will begin at 6 p.m. with a live performance by DJ Dollar, followed by Razzmatazz for Kids at 6:30 p.m. A fireworks display over the Oval is scheduled for 7:30 p.m. and live entertainment will continue into the evening. Skaters can enjoy the ice until midnight weather dependent.
Skaters are reminded to always check the Emera Oval hotline at 490-2347 for schedule changes due to weather or other conditions.
Visit for event information, condition updates and to view a calendar of Emera Oval programs, and follow skatehrm on Facebook and Twitter.
2) Public Service Announcement
New Year's Eve 2011 in Grand Parade
(December 29, 2011) HRM’s New Year’s Eve show in Grand Parade is back. The festivities will begin at 9:30 p.m. on December 31 with live entertainment. The live broadcast of the event will begin on CTV Two at 10 p.m. A fireworks display will take place at midnight.
Hosted by CTV Morning personalities, this year's entertainment features Carleton Stone, The Mellotones and Three Sheet.
For more information call the HRM Events Line at 490-6776 or visit:
Monday, December 19, 2011
Mark Your 2012 Calendars with the 1st Maskwa Event:
During the cold days of winter Maskwa is looking to heat things up with an Auction to help raise funds for Maskwa paddlers heading to Florida for training. A professional auctioneer will be on hand to add entertainment to the night.
Join us at Brewsters, Mill Cove, Bedford
(next to the Sobeys plaza)
Saturday, February 11
Time: 4pm-7pm
Admission: $5/paddle so you can place bids & children free
Enjoy meals and drinks at Brewsters
while helping raise funds for Maskwa athletes.
Maskwa is also looking for donations to the auction. Keep that in mind when you’re looking at Christmas gifts that might be great for re-gifting – and all for a great cause. Donations can be dropped at the club in January; Mon-Wed between 9am-12:3-pm or call Renee Field, Club Manager at 495-0212 to arrange a time that is best for you.
There are a few fun things we are hoping to add to the auction this year and I’m hoping members will email me with potential names I can contact.
- we’d love to offer up a dinner for 2 cooked by a professional chef – send names my way
- we’d love to create a romantic getaway so if anyone has contacts with any airlines/VIA rail etc - again send names my way and/or I can send along the fundraising letter.
- If you think we’re missing something please email me so we can add it to the list.
Thanks so much for your support. My email is
Happy Holidays everyone,
Renee Field
Club Manager
Maskwa Aquatic Club
Tuesday, December 6, 2011
Maskwa 25% Merchandize Holiday Sale

Just in time for the Holidays
Maskwa Merchandize
(in stock) Regular Price
T-shirts (short sleeved): $15 $11.25
Hoodies: $25 $18.75
Gym pants: $20 $15
Maskwa Track Suits – 25% Order: (may take up to 4 weeks to order & taxes not included)
Regular Price
Toque with Maskwa logo $13.75 $10.31
Hat Cotton Maskwa logo $13.75 $10.31
Track suit Maskwa Logo $95 $71.25
To order call Renee Field, Club Manager at 443-0178 ext: 221 or email: Cash or cheque only.
Monday, December 5, 2011
Morning Yoga Classes at ATC
Friday, November 18, 2011
Maskwa Christmas Wreaths Now on Sale!
Fundraisers are always a great way to meet people, improve your sales skills and
ultimately raise money for the organization in which you belong. Prior to 2005, Lorrie and George Dickie organized this wonderful fundraiser for many years for our club. Elaine Moore took over the initiative in 2005, increasing sales to 225 wreaths before passing the baton to Maskwa board member Cheryl Kane in 2009. Last year, to the disappointment of many of our loyal customers, Maskwa did not participate in the holiday wreath fundraiser. So, in the interest in continuing on with this endeavor, it was decided that the fundraiser could be coordinated for 2011 by the Florida Training Fundraising Committee, with proceeds going to offset the cost of the spring training camp for Maskwa athletes.
Let me tell you a little about the project. Our wreaths are made locally by a supplier with a small operation in New Ross, NS. We have some very good established customers who buy a wreath from us every year. These buyers realize the quality and like to support our club as we are a non-profit organization. Some of these customers are relatives, friends, past presidents, past members and even friends of theirs. I am always surprised that people look for their Maskwa wreath in early December. This is a tradition and one we don’t want to lose.
I want to thank all of you now who bought wreaths, promoted wreaths and helped out in any way. We want this to be another great year and we want all members to support us.
The wreaths are $17 without a bow and $20 with a bow. These beautiful bows come in
red, burgundy, or ivory. Our 16” wreath is the most popular size which just covers your front door nicely. The deadline for wreath orders is Tuesday, November 28th. The
wreaths can be picked up from 9 AM to 12 NOON on Sunday, December 4th.
Wreath orders or inquiries can be e-mailed to Joanne Ward-Jerrett or Wendy Haley (
We wish you all a happy holiday season and I do hope you enjoy your wreath!
Please email for an order form. Thanks so much.
Monday, November 14, 2011
Maskwa AGM starts at 7pm tonight
A reminder that tonight starting at 7pm it's our Annual General Meeting. This is a great chance to find out what went on this year at the club and what the plans are for 2012. Refreshments and treats on hand. The meeting will take place inside Heritage Hall.
Monday, November 7, 2011
Search and Rescue at Maskwa this coming weekend
Just in case you're wondering why there's more vehicles than normal in the parking lot at Maskwa it's because on Sat, Nov 12 & Sun., Nov. 13 Search and Rescue will be utilizing the area for practice. This means they'll probably be using the woods and trails.
Friday, October 28, 2011
Congratulations to Alexa for Winning Gold
Here is a link to the CBC radio interview with Alexa Irvin and Una Lounder following their K4 500 victory yesterday at the Pan American Games in Mexico:
Hope you enjoy and major congratulations Alexa!
Wednesday, October 19, 2011
PSA Notice - Bedford Watershed Advisory Meeting
Please be advised that a special meeting of the Bedford Watershed Advisory Board has been scheduled for Wednesday, October 26, 2011 at 7:00 p.m. in the Cafeteria at the Basinview Drive Community School, 273 Basinview Drive, Bedford. The purpose of the meeting is for the Board to meet the consultants that are assisting the Municipality in undertaking the Birch Cove Lakes Watershed Study. The consultants will explain the work to be undertaken and hear any concerns or issues arising.
Take note that this is an information meeting, open to the public, and the Board will not be asked to make any decisions at this meeting.
Any member of the public wishing to speak or make a presentation at this committee meeting is asked to contact the HRM Clerks Office:
or by calling their office at 490 4210.
or the Committee's Legislative Assistant, Jennifer Weagle:
BWAC agenda and reports online (s/b posted by Fri, 5 p.m.)
Monday, October 17, 2011
Maskwa Work Party Sat & Maskwa at The Carleton on Sunday

A reminder our last work party for 2011 is this Saturday starting at 7am. We really need at least 10 people to help (so far I have 4 people who have confirmed). We will be moving the docks in, and cleaning up around the club. Hot coffee and treats will be provided. Even if you can only spare an hour it would be greatly appreciated. Many thanks.
Maskwa Aquatic Club and
The Carleton Restaurant presents:
A Maskwa Kitchen Party!
An afternoon of music with
Sunday October 23 at 1 pm
At The Carleton
1685 Argyle Street, Halifax
In support of Maskwa Aquatic Club’s Florida Winter Training Group
Tickets $20 each/ $50 per family (max 4)
Available by calling the Carleton 422-6335
Door Prize: Draw for a free family Membership for next season!
We are looking for a few items for a small silent auction if anyone has anything they would like to donate. Please contact Carol Coutts @
Tickets can be purchased by calling the Carleton.
Wednesday, October 12, 2011
Maskwa Work Party - Sat., Oct 22 @ 7am
Maskwa on Saturday, October 22 starting at 7am
when the boom truck comes to help remove the docks. We have done up a list of items that need to be looked after and we are counting on your help. Items include helping to fill in pot holes/general cleaning around the boat bay/club house/grounds. Please RSVP me at if you can donate a couple hours of your time.
Many hands do make light work. Your help would be greatly appreciated.
Wednesday, October 5, 2011
Well talk about rain! Lots of it. Honestly I can’t tell if the wind is dying down now or getting ready to roar again. To off set this nasty day I’m putting up this lovely picture that Chad Brooks, Head Paddling Coach took of Alexa Irvine. It is beautiful.
Also a reminder if you are interested in fall high performance training either part-time (3 days a week) or full-time to email Chad at Part-time is $70 + tax/per month and full-time is $113+ tax/per month – a reminder tax is only applied if your child is 14 years of age or older. Please feel free to drop off cheques in the mail slot on the front door of Maskwa.
I’m in the office Mondays & Tuesdays 9am-1pm and Wednesdays 9am-11am and can be reached at 443-0178 ext: 221. After October 24 I will be working mostly from home for at least 4 weeks as I recover from ankle surgery (wish me luck). If you need to reach me immediately it’s always best to email me at Thanks so much.
Monday, September 26, 2011
Invitation for 2-hr Hike Around Trails at Kearney Lake
Kearney Lake is the home of Maskwa Aquatic Club and the lake is in active use about 10 months of the year by Paddlers from the Club. For more information regarding Maskwa Aquatic Club, go to Hikers often see National and Canadian champions training on Kearney Lake.
In the spring, hikers enjoy the many wildflowers in bloom, lady slippers, mayflowers, trilliums, pitcher plants and native orchids. In the summer many hikers cool off in the waters of either Lake. In the fall the leaves changing color come to life from the top of Paddler's Ridge. In the winter Maskwa’s Loop and Popcorn Island Loop trails continue to be well traveled and hikers enjoy packed snow to hike on.
Please bring water, food ,sturdy foot wear and be prepared for the steep terrain and uneven ground of these trails.
Meet at the parking lot at Maskwa, 91 Saskatoon Drive.
Kindly email me if you plan to attend,
See you at the trail head.
Wednesday, September 21, 2011
Maskwa Presents an Afternoon of Music to support athletes
The Carleton Restaurant presents:
An afternoon of music with The Worry Birds
Sunday, October 23 at 1pm
At The Carleton
1685 Argyle Street, Halifax
In support of Maskwa Aquatic Club’s Florida Winter Training Group
Tickets are $20/each/$50 per family
Available by calling The Carleton at 422-6335
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
A Number of Local Public Meetings
1) PUBLIC INFORMATION MEETING - Case 17082 - Emscote Lands
Monday, Sept 19, 7 p.m.
St. Peter's Anglican Church Hall,
3 Dakin Dr (off Bedford Hwy/KLR intersection).
Case 17082 - Application to enter in to a development agreement to permit a residential development for the Neighbourhood F and Mixed Use Business Campus of Bedford South/Wentworth, an approximately 82 acre (33.2ha) property located between Highway 102 and Bedford Highway, Halifax.
For more information on the application please see link below:
The next steps:
The next step is for HRM to determine the district boundaries based on 16 districts in HRM.
HRM is required to make the final submission on polling district boundaries to the Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board. The Board will also hold public hearings before making the final decision on the polling district boundaries (not the number of districts - that has already been determined with the decision of the NSUARB).
HRM is holding a number of public information meetings to review the proposed polling district boundaries and receive feedback from the public before making the final submission to the NSUARB.
Public Information Meeting Schedule & link to reports/information/survey.
NOTE: Two of six Public meeting sessions are being held in Mainland North and Bedford area, and are included below so residents can provide feedback to HRM. There are significant proposed boundary changes for existing districts. Your input is very important!
You may also provide written submission via
Wed, Oct 5th, 7 p.m. at Canada Games Centre Community Boardroom, 26 Thomas Raddall Drive off Lacewood Dr, Halifax.
Thurs, Oct 6th, 7 p.m. @ Basinview Drive Community School Cafeteria, 273 Basinview Dr, Bedford
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Free Event at Canada Games Centre to Help Athletes get funding
Podium Performance Series sessions will takeplace on Wednesdays from 7:00-9:00 p.m., as follows:
October 5th, 2011
November 2nd, 2011
December 7th, 2011
January 11th, 2012
February 8th, 2012
March 7th, 2012
April 4th, 2012
A full description of these sessions will be available at the end of the month at
The first session of the series will take place on October 5th from 7:00 – 9:00 p.m. in the Community Room of the Canada Games Centre (across from Lifemark Health Centre).Blaise Landry will facilitate this session on learning how to write high quality grant requests. Specifically, Blaise will focus on strategies for selecting appropriate grants for your needs, strategies for getting all the information that you need before you decide to write a grant request, creating budgets and basic dos and don’ts of grant requests. Blaise will share some completed grants for review and discussion.
Blaise Landry has been a Sport Consultant with the Province of Nova Scotia for 26+ years. Prior to that,he served as Executive Director for Wrestling Nova Scotia and Softball Nova Scotia. Blaise has a Bachelor of PhysicalEducation and an MA in Leisure Studies from Dalhousie University. He has been involved in grant assessments and reviews for a number of different programs in the province.
To register for this session, please send an RSVP email to
Daphne Pellerin
Executive Assistant
Canadian Sport Centre Atlantic/NCI-Atlantic
26 Thomas Raddall Drive, Suite 166
(Canada Games Centre)
Halifax, NS B3S 0E2
P: 902.425.0942
F: 902.425.5928
Thursday, September 1, 2011
Nationals Update
1. Juvenile Men K-4 1000 (Matt Beaver, Ben Kendall, Nathan McKinnon and Jesse Scott) - 3rd
2. Midget Men C-4 1000 (Matt Coutts, Robin Kendall, Alex Scott and David Webster) - 5th
3. Midget Men K-2 1000 (Robin Kendall/Jacob Steele) - 1st
4. Junior Men K-1 500 (Jessop) - 1st
5. Open Women K-4 200 (Ciara Jerrett, Jillian Steele, Natalie Miller, Alexa Irvin) - 5th
6. Senior Men K-2 1000 (Jessop/Ian Miller) - 5th
7. Juvenile Men K-2 1000 (Matt Beaver/Ben Kendall) - 5th
8. Junior Women K-2 500 (Alexa Irvin/Natalie Miller) - 1st
9. Juvenile Women K-2 500 (Ciara Jerrett/Jillian Steele) - 5th
10. Midget Men K-1 1000 (Jacob Steele) - 4th
11. Senior Women K-2 1000 (Natalie Miller/Alexa Irvin) - 4th
12. Junior Women K-4 500 (Ciara Jerrett/Jill Steele/Natalie Miller/Alexa Irvin) - 1st (and a new Canadian Record)
13. Midget Women War Canoe (C-15) coxed by Chad - 3rd
14. Midget Men C-15 (Coxed by Jordan) - 5th
15. Junior Women K-1 1000 (Alexa Irvin) - 1st
16. Junior Women K-1 1000 (Natalie Miller) - 4th
17. Junior Men K-1 1000 (Andrew Jessop) - 4th
18. Midget Men K-4 1000 (Matt Coutts, Nathan Haley, Robin Kendall & Jacob Steele) - 1st
Congratulations to all of our athletes and to their coaches (Head Coach Chad, Jordan and Pam), whose hard work and dedication has paid off big-time. Some of the athletes have been training twice a day, year round, often in harsh weather, so it's great to see them reap the reward for their efforts.
Congratulations also to Maskwa's Masters paddlers who took part in the CANMAS regatta immediately following the Nationals. The Masters paddlers did Maskwa proud in what was a windy day of competition on the Welland canal.
Maskwa set a goal this year to join the ranks of the top 10 clubs in the country and we succeeded - coming 10th out of 42 teams competing! And the terrific results didn't end there. Maskwa's Midget men came second place in overall points and our Junior women came third overall. The work and dedication of all the athletes, their coaches and all the parents is to be heartily commended.
Given that this was the largest Maskwa contingent we've ever sent to Nationals, you will all agree that it was a huge undertaking to coordinate and for that we owe Mike Haley, our Nationals Coordinator, an enormous bouquet. Bet you didn't realize it would be a full-time job when you signed up, Mike! In fact, without Mike and his smooth-talking skills, we would never have been able to field the Midget and Juvi war canoes, never mind kept things running as smoothly as they did. Special thanks as well to Janet Steele who stepped up to organize the fundraising campaign which covered a significant portion of the club's fees for boat transport, coaching and other club costs. Kudos also to our many parent-chaperones/drivers/meal-makers, who ensured that the athletes made it safely to and from the course and had plenty of fluids and snacks. Wendy Haley, Carol Coutts, Anne Webster, Janet Steele, Sally Campbell, Jackie Hoar and Margaret MacDonell did a fabulous job of looking after the team.
And finally, a shout-out (literally!) to our Maskwa cheering section, featuring the dulcet tones of Wendy (Go-Maskwaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa) Haley and her side-kicks Mike, Blair and myself. Let's just say that if the national paddling community didn't know Maskwa before, they sure know who we are now!
Ian Scott
Maskwa Commodore
Road Construction on Kearney Lake
On Thursday, September 1 and Friday, September 2 (weather permitting) road construction will take place on Kearney Lake Road from Highway 102 to Castle Hill Drive.
During this time there will be lane drops. Motorists should expect delays and are requested to find alternate routes .
HRM apologizes in advance for any inconvenience these delays may cause.
Monday, August 29, 2011
Maskwa Sets Record at Nationals and End of Year Banquet and Atom party info
Now it’s time to brag about Nationals:
Maskwa did a number of first. Jacob Steele and Robin Kendall got a gold in the Midget Men K2, which is a first as they are both bantams. And, a new Canadian Record was set in the Junior Women’s K-4 500m when Ciara Jerrett, Jillian Steele, Natalie Miller and Alexa Irvin won gold. Now, that’s girl power!
High Performance Paddling:
HP paddling starts this Wednesday at 4:30pm-6pm. I’ve had lots of emails about this and want to stress the following.
1. Anyone can join HP paddling – even if you didn’t do it in the summer and want to try it for a month then please sign up.
2. You must register and pay before you can start.
3. Fall Paddling runs all year and goes every day after school (you can pick which days work best for you if you are doing part-time) from 4:30pm-6pm and Saturday from 9am-10:30am.
4. Part-time is 3 days or less a week including Saturday and it’s $70 + tax
5. Full-time is more than 3 days and it’s $113 + tax
6. Keep in mind once you register it’s non refundable.
7. In terms of what you should bring: usual paddling gear and sneakers as they will be doing runs and workouts on rainy days. Once winter starts the coaches will be specific about what to bring and let paddlers know when those early morning swims will start.
End of year party for Atom paddlers (both girls and boys)
The club has arranged with Action Laser Tag a party for the Atom paddlers (again stressing here it’s for both girls and boys)
Place: Action Laser Tag
Outdoor Laser Tag Field
Located at 5249 St. Margaret's Bay Rd, Upper Tantallon, NS
Time: 11am-1:30pm
Price $5 per paddler
RSVP: Renee Field, Club Manager at by Monday, September 5 to confirm attendance.
End of Year Banquet:
We’re changing it up a bit this year.
Maskwa BBQ at the club
Date: Sunday, September 18
Time: 2-5pm
Price $5/per person
RSVP: Renee Field, Club Manager at for tickets by September 5, 2011.
There will be a cash bar/prizes and trophies handed out!
Maskwa will provide hot tea/coffee.
All plates, utensils, napkins and condiments for bbq
It is totally optional if you’d like to bring something to the end of year banquet. It certainly would be greatly appreciated and help to keep the costs down. Below is the list if you would like to bring something and please keep in mind that if you have children in more than one level of paddling please only bring one item. Again this is totally optional. Thanks so much.
Atom/Peewee paddler parents: Please bring a cold salad
Bantam paddler parents: Please bring a dessert (ie: cookies, squares, etc)
Midget paddler parents: Please bring drinks (pop/juice etc)
Friday, August 26, 2011
Maskwa Takes Bonze at Nationals in Men's K-4 1000m & updates
It started out raining, but now the sun is shining. Lots of paddlers are enjoying their last day on the lake. Today at 3pm we’re doing a final movie afternoon and it’s the first Harry Pottery movie.
For updates on how things are going with our Maskwa team at Nationals please check out
I just found out that Maskwa’s Juvenile K4 won the Bronze at Nationals in the 1000 meter. Pictured (l-r) Jesse Scott, Matthew Beaver, Nathan MacKinnon and Benjamin Kendall showing off their Bronze medals. Way to go guys!
Today is the last Maskwa BBQ and the canteen’s last day also. I have received many inquiries about next week and wanted to clarify a few things.
1. Today is the last day for all paddling/swimming/kiddie kayak lessons
2. Last day for Canteen is today - it will be closed all next week
3. Adventure Recreational Day Camp is open all next week from 9am-4pm as scheduled and paddling will be from 11am-12:30pm and then again from 1pm-2:30pm.
4. The club, meaning Heritage Hall, will be open from 9am-5pm.
5. Lifeguards are on duty starting Saturday until Labour day from 12noon-5pm.
6. High Performance Training for all paddlers interested (meaning any Atom, Peewee, Bantam & Midget paddlers) starts Wed., Aug 31 from 4:30pm-6pm. If interested please come to the office so your payment can be processed and you can be added to the HP list.
Maskwa End of Year Banquet:
Sunday, September 18, 2011, from 2 to 5 p.m.
Right here at Maskwa!
Join us for an al fresco gourmet BBQ and awards ceremony right here at Maskwa Aquatic Club! Let's celebrate our achievements and party on!
For just $5 per guest, enjoy a main course, side and drink. Desserts also on offer.
For tickets, please RSVP Renee Field, Club Manager @ no later than Friday, September 9, 2011.
We will be asking parents from each paddling level to bring something to the banquet. Thanks so much for your support.
See you at Celebration 2011!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
HRM Seeks Input into Proposed Changes to Districts
Dear Residents;
As you may have heard, a recent NS UARB decision to reduce number of districts from 23 to 16 plus mayor has significant implications, one of which is need to redraw existing district boundaries.
That process is currently underway. Staff have prepared two possible scenarios for the proposed 16 district boundaries.
These may change, be tweeked, or redrawn based on citizens' input in a varied number of ways!
While our greater community - esp existing District 16 Rockingham Wentworth and District 21 Bedford, has and will continue to experience significant growth for a number of years ahead, under the HRM proposed two scenarios my existing district will see just as significant boundary changes which will be implemented in time for October 2012 municipal election. (the snowball effect from other district boundary changes).
Public input will be in a number of ways.
Also, since the original information link on District Boundary Review proposed 2 scenarios was posted on HRM website Additional maps and info have been posted.
It is important to hear from you on the proposed scenarios, fill out the survey and provide any additional comments/feedback. Please feel free to contact me and send me your thoughts and Clerks office
( on District Boundary Review process and
recommended scenarios.
Please see below links.
Thank you for taking the time to provide input and feedback!
Kindest regards,
Debbie Hum
Councillor-District 16
HRM Seeks Input on Proposed Changes to Polling Districts
(Monday, August 22, 2011) - On July 27th 2011, the Nova Scotia Utility and Review board (NSUARB) announced its decision to reduce the number of districts and Councillors from 23 to 16 plus the Mayor for the Municipal election in 2012. The decision requires HRM to submit a recommendation on the proposed boundary changes for review by the Board. HRM would like to hear from the public prior to making its recommendation. As a first step in consultation, an online survey, presenting options for boundary changes and seeking residents feedback is now available on HRMs website at:
We want to hear from as many residents as possible, says Chief Administrative Officer Richard Butts. The feedback we receive will help us determine appropriate boundaries for 16 polling districts that will provide equitable representation at the Council table.
Final boundary decisions will be made based on public feedback and in keeping with the legislative requirements set out by the NSUARB such as:
The number of voters in each district
That the number of voters in each district is about the same (+ or - 10%)
In certain cases the NSUARB allows for voter variance to be up to 25%
Communities of interest
Whether it is primarily an urban, suburban or rural district
The geographic size of the district.
The Nova Scotia Utility and Review Board will be holding public hearings on the proposed district boundaries. The dates for the Utility Board hearings have been set for early November.
For more information on NSUARBs decision or to read the full report, please visit:
Tuesday, August 23, 2011
Over $170 raised from Jockey Clothing for National Paddlers
We are hoping to have the orders within two weeks and I will let everyone know they can be picked up at the club. Thanks again for your support ladies!
Hot at Maskwa Today
It's a hot sunny day here at Maskwa. Today Jennifer Spalding, who runs the Maskwa Canteen is prepping for the final cooking class for children. It's a take home Maskwa Picnic - the children will learn how to prepare 2 different types of salads, and wraps to feed a family of 5 all for $20. I, of course, signed up my daughter so I get to cross cooking off my list for supper tonight.
I wanted to highlight a few things:
This week is the last week of paddling/swimming/Kiddie Kayak lessons at Maskwa.
All week it's Open Dock at Maskwa and the children will also be doing a hike today, scavenger hunt tomorrow and on Friday we're planning a special Movie Afternoon inside Heritage Hall - this is a free event.
The Adventure Recreational Day Camp ends on September 2, 2011
Lifeguards next week are only on duty from 12noon-5pm.
In early September I will be emailing a survey to all members looking for feedback.
The end of year Maskwa banquet is scheduled for Sunday, September 18 from 2pm-5pm at the club and this year we're going to have a BBQ. More details including pricing etc and how the awards ceremony will go this year will follow soon.
Monday, August 22, 2011
Coyote Spotted Hemlock
Last night (Sunday) Aug 22 approx 11:30 pm, a Castle Hill resident reported seeing a coyote wandering around the property of 8 Castle Hill Dr.
The motorist and resident stopped to observe the coyote's activities.
The animal appeared very curious, and is approx 25-30 lbs.
The coyote then wandered through the back yard in the direction of Hemlock Ravine Park.
Details of the coyote sighting has been reported by the resident to the NS Dept of Natural Resources.
And this afternoon I spoke with an official at the DNR Waverley District office.
They have not yet confirmed it was a coyote. However there have been other coyote sightings this past year in the Princes Lodge/Hemlock Ravine Park area
For further information on what to do in case of a possible coyote sighting please go to:
And I also appreciate hearing of any additional possible coyote sightings.
Debbie Hum
Councillor-District 16
Cell: 476 7212
Note from LA Dempster
I just wanted to send out a big congrats and thanks to the atom boys group. All summer these boys ran, paddled and swam harder and more than most. Their hard work payed off at the Atlantic Atom championships. Out of 39 races, 32 were top 3 finishes, of which 20 were 1st place finishes!!!! Amazing results!
I have coached at the atom level many times, and have never had the experience I have had this summer!
Thank you as well to all the parents who are always so willing to help, setting up the movie, loading (and unloading) boats, or helping to keep me on schedule, always appreciated.
Thanks also to Brian and Matt for allowing me to be involved. It was a lot of fun to work with you!
Hope to see everyone at the year end party and once again, you should be so proud of yourselves, you really accomplished a lot this summer!
Happy paddling,
Coach LA
Friday, August 19, 2011
Jockey Clothing Place your order by Monday to support National Paddlers
This is a special thank you to Lori Rafuse who is donating 25% of total sales to our National Paddlers.
Thank you to everyone who stopped by and eyed and tried on our new Jockey P2P Line!
Many mentioned our jeans were the best fit and best price ($79.00)! Did you order yours?
With girls/teens heading back to school - we have a great line priced better then some of our competition - love yoga wear - check it out, browse the catalog and knock some of the names off your lists! Christmas shopping is starting & what a better way to support your paddlers - with some of the proceeds heading back to your club!
I am attaching the link for those who had to run off before placing their order! Or never made it because of other commitments - Visit my page: - head to the shop tab, put your items in your shopping basket - check out and fill in your mailing information -mention in one of the address lines "Maskwa Member" - so I can make sure your items count for our fundraiser for the High Performance Paddlers!
If you order and items are not the correct size - you can exchange!
It was a pleasure hanging with you all on Wednesday and hope to do it again soon!
Fashion Show link:
Lori Rafuse
Comfort Specialist
More then just underwear-Jeans Too!!!
Ask me about my Business!
Thursday, August 18, 2011
Spaghetti Supper on Monday at Maskwa
August 22, Monday – Spaghetti Supper at Maskwa.
Enjoy a homemade spaghetti supper with meatballs, Caesar salad, garlic bread, coffee or tea and or drink along with dessert all for a great cause.
Time: 4-6:30pm
Price $12 a child’s plate & $15 adult
RSVP Friday, August 19 by 5pm to
Thanks so much for supporting our National Paddlers
Monday, August 15, 2011
Jockey Women's Clothing Party on Wed 2-4pm at the club
I am so excited that Maskwa is hosting its first Jockey clothing line geared for active women. Lori Rafuse is graciously donating 25% of total sales to our National paddlers. I know everyone thinks underwear when they think Jockey clothing but it is much more than that. Take a peek at their latest catalogue Lori can process cash, cheque or credit card. The event will take place inside Heritage Hall on Wednesday from 2-4pm.
This Thursday, Friday and Saturday is Peewee/Bantam champs at Lake Banook in Dartmouth and on Sunday it’s Atom champs at Orenda in Lake Echo. These events usually last all day so be prepared with food and water even though most paddling clubs will have canteen facilities it’s always good to have food on hand, or in my case as an adult a large thermos of coffee.
The children are enjoying the new basketball net and I'm on the hunt for a 2nd tether ball for the playground
I would also like to extend a huge thank you to RM for the use of the machine and operator. The children are enjoying the new sandy beach. Major, major thanks RM!!!!
Thursday, August 11, 2011
Well let me just say we had tons of FUN today at Maskwa! It was drizzly this morning but by 11am the sun came out. We started out with about 70 children but by noon that number had moved up to close to 150. I think the smell of Boston Pizza really motivated them to pop up to the club. A huge thanks to Boston Pizza for bringing Lionel the bear and the pizza that fed the hungry crew. Well it's almost 4pm and we're still cleaning up from the pie toss which raised $63 for our National Paddlers! At 4pm it's the PG-rated movie, Race to Witch Mountain and the teens are really looking forward to the Scary movie (Paranormal Activity) which starts at 7pm. Again all events are free but food/drinks can be purchased from the canteen. See below the Maskwa Fun Gallery of photos I took today - the children really all enjoyed themselves.
Tuesday, August 9, 2011
Environmental Home Assessment Program
The Nova Scotia Department of Environment through the non-profit organization Clean Nova Scotia provides free, and confidential Environmental Home Assessments in your riding area. All Nova Scotia homeowners who have a well and septic system at their residence are eligible for the assessment. We would like to ask you to let your constituents know about this free service. The purpose of the program is to provide home owners with information on how to manage their septic systems, how to test and protect the water from their wells and how to prevent oil spills on their properties. As an incentive for home owners with septic systems and wells to participate, there is a $100 rebate on their next pumping of their septic
system as well as some other free items, and for those who qualify there is a grant of up to $3,000 to upgrade their septic system. The details of this program and contact information are contained in the attached press release. If you are meeting with your constituents who are rural home owners please let them know about this program.
Lisa C. Privett
Program Coordinator
Non-Essential Pesticides Education
and Environmental Home Assessment Program
Clean Nova Scotia
Inspiring environmental change
p. 902.420.6593
Judo Demonstration Today in Gym
Monday, August 8, 2011
Maskwa Stole the Show at Junior Lifeguard Competition
The weather outside is frightful but the programs at Maskwa are delightful! Honestly the rain does not deter the children and all programs are on. I am looking closely at the weather for the rest of the week but I’ve learned that if I wait five minutes the weather will change so I’m hopeful that on Thursday the weather will clear and we will have a great Maskwa Fun Day.
I wanted to give everyone a quick update on a few things. Maskwa did great at the Junior Lifeguard Competition held on Saturday at Riser’s Beach, located just outside Bridgewater. This was my first time at this competition with my children and talk about a great time. Of course, the sun and heat certainly added to our fun. We had a number of Maskwa children participate: Erin and Jacob Davis, Nolan Field, Rileigh and Morgan Pugh-Toole and talk about one dynamic team. I think all together the Maskwa team must have taken home at least 20 first place ribbons. I sincerely hope that next year we get to host a mini-lifeguard competition at Maskwa. Lifeguard skills are something we should be working to develop and I was disappointed to discover that Maskwa was the only club from the Halifax area participating at the Junior Lifeguard Competition – which was extremely well organized. Special thanks to Laura Zevenhuizen, Maskwa's own lifeguard and instructor for keeping the Maskwa team pumped and ready to compete!
Once I touch base with Chad Brooks, our Head Paddling Coach, I will give an update on how our Maskwa paddlers made out during qualifying for Nationals. I know my son, Nelson a first year Bantam did the 6000 meter race competing with Midget boys on Friday afternoon and even he will admit that he was terrified. We were extremely pleased he finished the race and while at first terrified at the end he said he loved it and would do it again.
Also a reminder that the NS Lifeguard Society will be doing an Open Swim of 1km, 2km and 5km this coming Thursday, August 11 starting at 6:30pm with about 40-50 participants starting at Kearney Lake Beach and going directly by Maskwa. This is to remind all boaters and paddlers in the area to pay attention to people in the water on Thursday evening.
Friday, August 5, 2011
Lights are Working at Kearney Lake
Don't forget - busy week at Maskwa coming up so come prepared to have lots of fun!
Have a great weekend, everyone.
Kearney Lake Lights Won't Be Working Until Monday
According to Department of Transportation officials the traffic lights' control panel was struck by lightning and "fried". A new panel which won't get here until Monday at the earliest.
So these lights won't be working properly till later Monday or Tuesday.
The flashing yellow on Kearney Lake Road (KLR) and flashing red on the off ramps means under MV regulations, KLR has priority for motorists and those motorists trying to come off the ramps have to yield to a break in traffic on KLR.
Hence the backup of traffic on the ramps.
Our local Councillor Debbie Hum (major thanks Debbie) is attempting to get the Department of the Transportation to provide some traffic control police during peak times to help alleviate the build up on the on and off ramps.
With the sun finally shining this week we will have for the first time the Sackville Boys and Girls Club at our club using the dragon boat from 2-3pm and then enjoying our swim area from 3-4pm. They are very excited with this opportunity and I'm thrilled the sun has come out for them.
A reminder of events coming up:
Wednesday, August 10th - from 3:30pm-5:30pm Atom Special Movie Day
Thursday, August 11 - Maskwa Fun Day starts at 10am-2pm/Free-PG Movie 4-6pm and Scary Teen Movie 7-9pm. Boston Pizza is providing a slice of pizza to all the children and Maskwa will provide watermelon and drinks. This day is for all children including the day camp children and they are more than welcome to enjoy the free movie.
Friday, August 12 - Join the Maskwa community as we celebrate sending off our National Team with a piece of cake from 5-7pm at the club.
Wednesday, August 17 - 2-4pm Join us for our 1st Jockey Clothing Party - this is a fundraiser for Nationals and the clothing is active womens' wear.
Thursday, August 18-20 - Peewee/Bantam Champs at Lake Banook
Sunday, August 21 - Atom Champs at Orenda
Above are some pictures of the day camp children enjoying hiking to Popcorn Island and showing off their superhero capes.
Wednesday, August 3, 2011
Maskwa Flooded
Talk about one wicked rain storm last night. I'm sad to report that with all that rain it has washed away our beach and created large trenches. I've got our Custodian working on filling in those large pot holes but only once the water recedes will the beach show again. My past experience with this is it usually takes a couple of days so if the weather is good over the weekend, I'm optimistic the beach will show again by Monday. We are still open for business as usual. All swimming, paddling and Kiddie Kayak lessons are on as well as day camp.
With the weather not being great and the number of Maskwa people lower than normal for this time of year, Sweet and Savory Catering Limited who run our canteen will be closing early on some days. We will always give 30minute warning when the canteen will close and try for at least 1hr ahead so those children wishing to purchase something might have that opportunity.
Hope you all enjoy the pictures.
Tuesday, August 2, 2011
Little Italy Today and Discounted Yoga Classes for Members
Well the weather this week is not looking great but we will paddle until the thunder hits today which will be around 12noon. All swimming lessons are currently on as is Kiddie Kayak.
Today is our Little Italy day - for $25 your child from 1pm-3pm will learn how to make lasagna with meat sauce, Caesar salad and garlic bread fingers. The best part about it is that it will feed a family of 4/5.
We had 8 people join our cooking class today and by the looks of the pictures they had lots of fun.
I also had to share a few pictures from the day camp. Today they are working on their paper mache craft and having lots of fun. The weather has held off and I honestly the sun has started to shine - way to go sun!
One of our long time members has recently opened a yoga studio in Rockingham Ridge Plaza. Many Maskwa members will remember Kathryn offering yoga classes last summer. Kathryn never charged for her time and we used the money raised from her classes to help fund the new playground equipment. She has kindly offered a discount for all Maskwa members. Here is what Kathryn has to say to our members:
I recently opened a yoga studio ( in the Rockingham Ridge Plaza at 30 Farnham Gate Road and would like to offer Maskwa members a 15% discount on the 5-class pass with no expiry from now until Labour Day. The new website is loaded with information on the studio, classes and teachers. Members may purchase by phone if they are unable to come into the studio before September :).
Pure Freedom Yoga Studio
30 Farnham Gate Road
Rockingham Ridge Plaza
Phone: 431-FREE (3733)
Cell: 718-PURE (7873)
Fax: 431-4233
Good luck to all the paddlers at the Nationals! (Especially my son John who is competing in the war canoe)
Thursday, July 28, 2011
Pancake Brunch Huge Success
The weather this week hasn’t been great but that has not stopped us Maskwa members from having lots of fun. Today was our Pancake Brunch, which was a fundraiser for Nationals and we raised $270 for Nationals. Way to go everyone! And special thanks again to Jennifer Spalding for donating her time to this fundraiser.
Pictured above is Annie Savoie enjoying her pancakes and the girls, Jessica MacKay and Penelope Wensel also enjoying their pancakes.
I wanted to let the Maskwa community know that we still have lots of spots in Kiddie Kayak for next week and the Adventure Recreational Day Camp. We are open on Monday and there will be swimming lessons but no paddling for all groups including the high performance, except the special midget war canoe practice.
Matt Coutts at 835-8009 is selling the following:
Bracsa Children’s Kayak Paddle (adjustable) - $125
Turbo Bantam Paddle (adjustable) - $200
Nelo Ultra Low Seat with Rails and Screws - $70
Registration is open for the Tuesday Lasagna Dinner for 4 – it’s from 1-3pm and a great treat for parents. The children with Chef Jennifer Spalding will learn how to make lasagna with meat sauce, Caesar salad and garlic bread fingers and the best part is you get to eat it for supper. Price is $25 and the cap is 20 children.
Wednesday, July 27, 2011
Atom Triathlon Huge Success & Pancake Brunch Tomorrow
Well the first Maskwa Atom Triathlon was a huge success. The Atom boys ran, paddled and swam. They started at 10am and finished around 12noon. Special thanks to LA Dempster for organizing this and Atom coaches Nathan Mackinnon and Chris Haley for all their help. Pictured with the group are the two coaches in the back. The children especially enjoyed their treat bags as their rewards. We are hoping to do a 2nd Triathlon with the Atoms later in August. We also have planned a special Atom paddlers afternoon movie for them inside Heritage Hall.
I had to take a few pictures of my day campers - today they are making paper Hawaiian leis as their craft and on Friday they will be dressed up for their Hawaiian dance competition.
A reminder that tomorrow is our Pancake Brunch starting at 10am inside Heritage Hall. This is a fundraiser for Nationals.
Child's plate is $3.50 (2 pancakes, slice of fruit and juice pack)
Teen/Adult plate is $5.00 (3 pancakes, slice of fruit and juice pack)
Natal Day update:
There will be no paddling programs on Monday.
There will be swimming lessons as scheduled
The Adventure Day Camp is open
Kiddie Kayak will also take place.
Tuesday, July 26, 2011
Cookie Dough Class a huge hit & Fun Day Planned
Hi everyone:
Today Brian Dugie handed me two new plaques that will be placed inside Heritage Hall. The plaques show just how GREAT the Atom’s are doing this year. Special thanks to the Atom coaches, Brian Dugie, Ciara Jerrett, Chelsey Carr-Kinnear, Matt Clahane, Chris Haley and Nathan MacKinnon and of course LA Dempster for all her hard work with the Atom paddlers.
Maskwa placed 3rd in 2011 for the Atom Bomb for Most Overall points & 2nd place for Most Points Per Paddler.
The first Paddlers Cooking Dough Cooking Class is a huge hit. We had a cap of 20 children but have managed to fit a few extras into the program. We all can’t wait to try samples. (Pictured above is Chef Jennifer Spalding, owner of Sweet and Savory Catering Limited who is running our canteen. She is also pictured with paddler Nicholas Billard who is learning the fine art to packing brown sugar for his cookie recipe)
Mark Thursday, August 11 as Maskwa FUN DAY & FUN NIGHT!
All day starting at 10am we will begin our FUN Day. Sorry A, B & C paddlers still have early morning training but otherwise there will be no paddling lessons or swim lessons taught that day. Kiddie Kayak from 12-1pm is still on.
We will divide the children into at least four groups, keeping the day camp children as one solid group. The children will create a Maskwa cheer, do a sandcastle competition, cannon ball competition off the wharf, a swim relay and some other team sport event.
We are very fortunate to have Boston Pizza once again provide the cheese and pepperoni pizza – it will be one free slice per child. The watermelon and juice packs are on Maskwa.
After lunch will be the ever popular whipped cream pie toss - it’s a loonie to purchase a pie to toss at the coaches. At the end of the day is our candy toss.
Adding something special we will be doing FREE movies for the children.
4-6pm will be the PG-rated movie for children aged 8-11 years – I’m not sure what movie yet so suggestions are always welcome.
We plan to place garbage bags over the windows inside Heritage Hall to make it very dark.
Bags of Popcorn/pop/juice and candy bags will be sold at the movies.
7-9pm: Scary movie – the teens are helping me pick this out.
Teens are welcome to bring along a friend.
Parent volunteers greatly appreciated for this event (2 needed to
Donations of non-perishable food to the Food Bank would be greatly appreciated.
Monday, July 25, 2011
Canteen Cooking Classes
July 25, Monday – Mac & Cheese Day
July 26 – Tuesday – Cooking Class: Paddlers Dough
Join Chef Jennifer Spalding as she takes you through making three of her favorite cookies from one single dough. And the best part is you get to take 18 cookies you’ve made home with you. The rest of the cookies will be sold from the canteen.
Price $10/per child – cash or cheque made out to Sweet and Savory Catering.
Maximum 20 children
Time: 1-3pm inside Heritage Hall
See Renee Field, Club Manager to register
July 27, Wednesday – Pizza Day
July 28, Pancake Thursday – 10:30am-1pm
This is a Pancake Fundraiser for Nationals.
$3.50 – Child’s plate (includes 2 pancakes, slice of fruit and juice pak)
$5.00 – Teen/Adult plate (includes 3 pancakes, slice of fruit and juice pak)
July 29, Friday – BBQ day
August 1, Monday – Mac& Cheese Day
August 2, Tuesday – Little Italy: Join Chef Jennifer Spalding as she holds an interactive, creative cooking class for all ages. Tonight’s Dinner is ready to go. Learn how to make Lasagna Bolognaise, and Caesar Salad and Garlic Pizza Bread.
Time: 1-3pm
Maximum Registrants: 20
Price $25 cash or cheque made out to Sweet and Savory Catering.
Feeds a family of 4/5
See Renee Field, Club Manager to register
August 3, Wednesday – Pizza Day
August 4, Thursday: Sandwich Bar – Choose your own toppings and fixings the way you enjoy your sandwich.
$3.50 a sandwich or $5.00 combo (drink and cookie)
August 5, Friday – BBQ Day
August 22, Monday – Enjoy a Spaghetti Supper at Maskwa.
This is a fundraiser for Nationals.
Enjoy a homemade spaghetti supper with meatballs, Caesar salad, garlic bread, coffee or tea and or drink along with dessert all for a great cause.
Time: 4-6:30pm
Price $12 a child’s plate and $15 adult
Mark Tuesday, August 23 for the Canteen Special:
Take home a Maskwa Picnic
Join Chef Jennifer Spalding as she teaches your child how to create potato and pasta salads, and the art of wrap making, along with special caramel apple dip.
Time: 1-3pm
Maximum registrants: 20 children
$20/per child (all ages) cash or cheque made out to Sweet and Savory Catering.
Feeds a family of 4 (*if you need more sandwiches for that night please let Jennifer know and she attempt to accommodate your need)
See Renee Field, Club Manager to register
Thursday, July 21, 2011
Directions to Sack-a-wa for Atom Regatta and other issues
Dear Maskwa Members:
This is an important message to please remind your children and teens to pick up their garbage. Maskwa is having serious litter problems this year, in particular popcorn is spilled on a regular occurrence on the decks and it is attracting critters at night and pop cans are being left everywhere. Please place refundable bottles in the blue bins. We are also having issues with things being left behind daily – towels, shirts and lifebelts and buns and on Friday at 4pm all things left behind in the lost and found bin will be emptied into the dumpster.
A special thanks to all the parents who made or donated food items for the officials this past weekend. The officials loved it all. I do have a number of bowls, serving trays etc still needing to be picked up. They are currently in the front foyer to Heritage Hall but will soon be moved to the technical room.
The Atom racing shirts are in. The price is $45 (tax include).
This brings me to one final but important point. A number of parents have been wondering about “C” High Performance group for paddling. If your son or daughter is interested in joining a C group please email Chad Brooks, our Head Paddling Director to discuss ( as we are currently creating a list so we can create a C group. There is an extra cost for the HP group and it’s $75/per month during the summer. The C group would be meeting early in the morning – time has not been determined.
To all the Atom’s racing this weekend at Sack-a-wa – good luck!
Tuesday, July 19, 2011
Here is the Canteen menu. The canteen is open Monday through Friday 9am-4pm and closed on the weekends. BBQ day is Friday and prices are below.
• Yogurt Crunch Parfait $3.50
(Granola, Yogurt and Fresh Berries Drizzle of Honey)
• Oatmeal with Brown Sugar $2.50
• Toasted Bagel (plain, whole wheat,) with Becel $2.00
• English Muffin with Becel $1.50
• Cream Cheese $0.50
The Wave Breaker~ $2.50
• (Fried Egg on a Biscuit with Cheddar Cheese)
• Add Smoked Bacon or Back Bacon $1.00
BLT on Multigrain Flatbread~ $4.00
• Smoked or Back Bacon with Lettuce ,Tomato, Mayo…Add Cheese $.75
The Classic Western Sandwich~ $4.00
• Scrambled Eggs with Sautéed Peppers, Onions, Tomato and Ham
• Add Cheese $.75
• Coffee $1.75
• Tea $1.50
• Hot Chocolate $2.00
• Hot Apple Cider $2.00
• Fresh Fruit Smoothies made with Juice $5.00
o Add Protein $1.50
• Bottled Water $1.50
• Gatorade $3.00
• Chocolate Milk $3.00
• Assorted Juice Boxes $1.00
• Assorted Pop- $1.50
(Pepsi/Coke/DietCoke/Orange/Sprite/ Grape/Rootbeer/Gingerale, 7-Up)
• Homemade Lemonade/Limeade $3.00
• Iced Coffee $2.50
• Iced Mocha $2.50
• Chocolate Ice $2.50
Homemade Chocolate Chip Cookies $1.00
Freshly Baked Chocolate Brownies $1.50
Freshly Baked Banana Loaf $2.00
Candy Bags $1.00
Carrot Cake $1.50 (Contains Walnuts)
Microwave Popcorn $1.50
Pink Popcorn $3.00
Caramel Popcorn $3.00
Bagged Chips $1.00
Whole Fruit $1.00
Rice Crispy Squares $1.00
Granola Bars $.75
Chocolate Bars $1.25
Caramel Dip with Apples $2.25
Ring Pops $1.75
Fruit Roll Ups $1.00
Twizzlers $.50
Lolly Pops $.25
The Regatta Cookie $13.00
Cinnamon Pizza Bread $2.00
Cinnamon Pita Crisps Brown Sugar Cream $2.50
Seasoned Pita Frites $1.25…better than chips
Jumbo Freezies $1.00
Popsicles $1.00
Fudgesicles $2.00
Frozen Strawberry Yogurt Bars $2.00
Caramel Ice Cream Bars $2.00
Our Signature Mac and Cheese…
add a cookie and a juice box for $4.25
Pepperoni or Cheese…
add a cookie and juice box for $5.00
Caesar Salad with Croutons & Bacon Bits $4.00
Add Chicken $2.00
Homemade Mac & Cheese $3.00
Chicken Ceasar Wrap $4.25
Maskwa Wrap $4.25
(chicken, lettuce, cheese, bacon, ranch)
Grilled Cheese with Kraft Slices $3.00
The Infamous Hot Dog $1.50
Mac & Cheese Dog $2.00
PB & J…Sandwich $2.00
Nutella & Banana Sandwich $2.00
NOTE…This is NOT a nut free environment
Although we do our very best not to cross contaminate food product please inform us of any allergy concerns
HOTDOG $1.50
With cheese $2.25 No Cheese
With pop $3.50 $2.75
With juice box $3.25 $2.50
With cheese $3.75 No Cheese
With pop $5.00 $4.25
With juice box $4.75 $4.00
Monday, July 18, 2011

It was a busy two days at Maskwa this past weekend with two tremendously exciting and successful regattas - the Peewee regatta on Saturday and the Bantam regatta on Sunday – in total about 1,100 people were here at the club over the two-day span.
The kids had a terrific time and Maskwa is certainly looking like a serious contender for top spot at this year's Peewee Bantam Champs with an impressive number of top five finishes. A shout out to Chris Haley who coxed our new War Canoe to Bantam mixed victory in its inaugural race.
I would like to say a very special 'Thank you' to all the volunteers who made it possible to host the regattas this year. Maskwa is a volunteer run, not-for-profit athletic club and relies on its members to support the activities of the children involved in our many paddling and swimming programs.
Thanks so much to Mike Haley who helped out in the parking lot and then pulled double-duty flipping burgers at the BBQ. Jody Pace was terrifically helpful in the parking lot, as was Geoff Morse and Bruce Piercey. Sean Gibson pulled two long shifts both days in the parking lot as well. And he deserves danger pay for dealing with a couple of unruly parkers!
Rick Davis, Connie Wright, Keith Billard, Perry and Mary Boudreau, Sally Campbell, Janet Steele, Tracy MacKay, Denis Chasse, Scott Conrad, and Peter Hope, helped raise more than $1,000 for Maskwa at the regattas by running the BBQ while Jesse Scott and Nathan MacKinnon helped out by selling 50/50 tickets. We raised $83 for Nationals.
A heartfelt thanks to 'The Man with The Golden Larynx' - John Moore - who's dulcet tones provided race results and commentary and who played at DJ both days as well. Renee Field did a terrific job supervising the regatta and keeping everything moving. Special thanks to our Custodian, Alex Hope for keeping the place so clean – especially the washrooms.
A special thanks to all the officials and coaches. Without your help there would be no regattas. We are very grateful to all the parents who volunteered their time to help as well as the parents who donated food and drink for the officials and for sale at the BBQ. Your help was massively important to the overall success of the regattas.
The food from the canteen was very well received and a shout out to Jennifer Spalding from Sweet and Savory Catering Limited for all the hard word and iced coffees on Sunday.
And, of course, a tremendous vote of thanks to the ubiquitous Gord MacLeod who supervised parking, set up all the signage, fixed broken faucets, and generally made sure that everything worked well throughout both days.
Maskwa is run by a Board of volunteer members who meet regularly throughout the year. A new Board of Directors is elected each fall.
Our club depends on the work of many volunteers and we welcome any member to join in. We are currently seeking new members to support the Board by providing help and direction for Maskwa’s paddling programs and for helping coordinate the various volunteer activities that are critical to the success of Maskwa. If you think you would be interested in helping out in either of these roles (or in any other
way) I encourage you to contact myself ( or Club Manager Renee Field (
‘Go Maskwa’
Ian Scott, Commodore
Friday, July 15, 2011
Spryfield Boys and Girls Club Enjoying Maskwa

Yesterday Maskwa hosted for the first time the Spryfield Boys and Girls Club at the club and we had close to 20 children aged (8-12 years) participate in our new Dragon Boat & Recreational Swim program. This program came about thanks to the generous financial support of West Bedford Holdings Limited ( a joint venture of Clayton Developments and Cresco). It was a cold, windy day but the children had lots of fun and are looking forward to returning next week. Spryfield Boys and Girls Club will be coming regularly to Maskwa on Thursdays from 2pm-4pm. The children will experience the Dragon Boat, under Chris Haley’s coaching from 2-3pm and then enjoy swimming in our supervised beach area from 3-4pm.
On Friday, August 5 from 2-4pm the Sackville Boys and Girls Club will have the chance to experience Maskwa’s Dragon Boat and Recreational Swim program. We are hopeful that we can offer more programs to introduce children all over the municipality to the joys of paddling.
A reminder this coming weekend we are hosting two regattas - Peewee on Saturday and Bantam on Sunday at the club. Lifebelts are in and singlets are required for racing. I am hoping to have the Atom racing shirts in next week before the first Atom regatta at Sack-a-wa next Saturday in Lower Sackville.
The day camp children have been having a great time this week and I'm going over shortly to take pictures of their dyed shirts! The kids loved the craft and are enjoying boating twice a day and the hikes are wearing them out - in a good way.